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OCR: AM/FM RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS Blood Sugar Sex Magic -- Reviewed by Lars Dybwad AM/FM I never got around to buy the previous Red Hot Chili Peppers album, but now I understand that I should have. As a matter of fact, I'm amazed that four guys, who seem stoned out of their minds, can make such excellen music. It is hard to label their music in any way, they combine funk, pop, rock, rap, heavy and whatever into a mixture that really works. You could compare them with bands like Faith No More and Fishbone hard to describe, easy to listen to. The CD contains seventeen tracks, and it has a total playing time of approx. 70 minutes. When listening, you will probably hate some of it: loving the rest. Not all tracks are good, but then a track like 'Give it Away' or 'Suck My Kiss' comes along and makes it all worthwhile. If it's party music you're looking for, you can't pick a better record than this one. It will get you up on your feet, raving one second - dancing shoulder to shoulder the next. It is also obvious that these guys know what they're doing. They master their instruments well, especially the guitar section is very impressive. The bass guitar plays a very important role in all songs, far away from the 'steady D-beat' you find in 90% of rock tracks. The bass and the solo/rhythm guitars climb up and down on the scales, twists, slaps everything. You really feel like grabbing the nearest instrument and just play along, something which would prove nearly impossible as the songs just jump from theme to theme, beat to beat - all the time. As I said, variation is the key word here. All is not praise, however. The lyrics on most songs do not suggest much else than jumping on the nearest girl and 'getting at it'. Songs like Sir Psycho Sex leaves little doubt that these guys are: sex-mad or lousy text-writers or both. They banned 2 Live Crew in the USA, but as far as I know this record has not been subject to any protests at all. I find this strange. While 2 Live Crew may be more sextreme (yup, I made that word up) in their lyrics, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are not far behind. Could this be racism? Whatever, the lyrics are definitely not the sort your parents would quote at poetry nights, but who cares when the music is that good? I don't mind pervert lyrics at all, it actually suits this kind of music rather good, but it's getting a bit out of hand sometimes. If there is a deeper meaning in it, I haven't found it. To sum it all up, Blood Sugar Sex Magic is a really good CD (or LP/MC....) which no party animal with a tiny bit of self-respect can live without. Not that it is for parties only, I listen to it all the time - as a matter of fact I have the extremely cool song 'Apache Rose Peacock' in my ears right now. Beg, borrow or steal it I KNOW you won't get it from your parents. AM/FM